Turn, Turn, Turn...

Anyhow the real reason I've decided to pull the plug on the blog now is not so much because of external sources as it is because of my personal situation these days. I've recently lost my job thanks to the ongoing collapse of the American auto industry and living in Michigan, probably the worst hit state in the union, it's a mess that I fear could go on for awhile.
With that in mind, as of now the request lines are closed kids. I need to concentate what energy I do have on trying to hold on to what I have......I'm sure no one's going to miss one little blog so I don't mean to make a big deal out of closing. I hope you'll understand. I've got other things right now I need to put my efforts towards. Losing a job is bad enough, I'd rather not lose everything else too......these are real rough times for a lot of folks.
Can't think of anything else to say so I'll just say take care and thanks for the correspondence.
Hello Tom. I'm The Juggler,I'm Sorry, And I wish you luck.
Tom, thanks for sharing your obvious love for the music. My prayers go out for your job situation, and I encourage you to lean into your family and friends. Your current situation is not the final word on the matter.
Thanks for all the great music and all your work. Good luck for the future.
Best wishes
Pete from the UK
Best of luck with the job situation. It's tough, but I'm sure you'll land on your feet.
Thanks again for all your efforts, I've truly appreciated them.
Hello Tom, it's Eric from France.
I'm sad to learn for your job situation and i wish to you all the best in the world during these hard times.
For the blog thanks to all the great shares that you send to me and your hard work.
Hello Tom
Thank you for your time & effort, it was a real pleasure to read your comments about the records you put online
Here in France we also have to deal with massive unemployement situation for many, many years.
Let's hope it get better for everyone soon
Alex from France
Hi Tom,
Sorry to hear about your current situation. Thanks for the great blog/music. I hope you get back on your feet again as soon as possible.
Take care,
Thanks for all the great music and I wish you the best with the job situation. Here's to you landing on your feet.
Take care
Thanks to you for your blog,
Let's cross our fingers and wish that things will go better or you, and for so much peole...
Best regards
Sorry to hear the bad news, Tom. I hope things work out. Thanks for all the tunes along the way!
All the best my friend. This was a fine blog. I believe many share this opinion. Anyway thanks very much for all this fine muci to say the least. Good luck. Hpre we meet again out there somewhere.
Thanks for all your efforts, Tom! Good things are going to happen for you, because you deserve it.
Hang in there, my friend!
Thanks for all of the work you put into this blog.
Sorry to hear about the unemployment situation.
I've (barely) managed to hang on to my Michigan auto industry job up to this point, but I know it's only a matter of time until I'm out on the dole, too.
Maybe all of us middle-aged unemployed guys should form bands and play the Lake Michigan bar circuit for a little extra cash.
Sorry to hear the bad news, Tom. I hope you find soon a good job. Thanks for all the lovely music.
Thanks your hard work is much appreciated and dont lose hope oppertunity will arise, stay safe
I was hoping that that wouldn't happen to you. I am so sorry to hear that.
Saying a prayer for a new and better job to come your way!
Thanks for all the music! I know you'll be back.
And you know how to contact me offline so please keep in touch!
Good luck!
Thanx for all, guy, and good luck to find a new job. Life goes on.
Crises is spreading all over the world. Here in Slovenia also, almost every day, a lot of people are losing their jobs, It is really a very hard situation we're in. I dearly hope that you'll be abble to find a new job, i wish you well. And thx for all links for beautiful music you were posting.
We hope to see you soon back in the saddle again!
Living next door to you in Ontario, i know exactly what you are talking about. The auto industry and steel industry has been hit hard here to. Thanks for adding all the Ian Thomas albums they are really rare. Good luck to you, hope things get better and this recession/depression or whatever they want to call it, ends this year!.
Very, very sorry to hear of your situation. I lost my job as a graphic designer at an ad agency May 8. My prayer for you is that this difficult situation brings more than just a new job, which will certainly come, but also a deeper peace that comes with understanding that our jobs are not who we truly are. Thanks much for the music, and hang in there.
dear sir, Here wishing you all the best for your personal and professional life. thx for sharing all these gems.
jontowel, indonesia
Thank you very much for shearing your
music, specialy for Sugar Loaf. Wish you the best for you and your family.
War in Iraq cost to Greece 1.500.000
immigrants, for that reason most of the people lost their jobs.
Love from Greece.
Hope you find work, soon. thanks for a great site. Will continue to pray for you. Jim
I'am so sad .Good blogs and good music never died.Thanks for all good music and time.Bobi from Macedonia.
Hi there Tom.
Sorry to read the bad news.
I wish you all the best luck in your professional life.
Maybe you'll read this someday and this link make your day (at least):
Good Luck
I was a freguent visitor to your blog in the early days, then lapsed. So sorry to pick up this news now - perhaps since your first announcement things have improved? Sorry to see the 'investment' vultures swooping in the last two posts. When someone is down they come scavaging in a rush.
tcsoldnewmusicreview.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
Hey! thanks for all the music... wish you the best of luck and hope to hear from you soon!
every challenge can be a great way to learn! ;)
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