Format: Mp3
Bit Rate: 320 kbps
Produced By: Paul Leka
Recorded At: Columbia Studios, New York, New York & Columbia Studios, Los Angeles, California
Engineers: Tim Geelan, Stan Tonkel, Phil Cross, Jack Ashkinazy
Cover Art: Monte Luna
The Nest
For Roach
Monte Luna
Seeds Of Spring
I Am The Mercury
Long Way Down
Let It Flow
Seven Virgins
Come Back
Jimmie Spheeris - Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards
Geoff Levin - Guitar
David Campbell - Viola, Violin
Lee Calvin Nicoli - Flute, Bass, Guitar, Background Vocals
David Harowitz - Keyboards
Emil Latimer - Conga
Buddy Salzman - Drums
Strings arranged and conducted by: David Campbell
By Yours Truly
I assume that you are already familiar with this music or you would not be scanning reviews for an obscure 1971 album selling for $136, so there is no need for description. You love it, so do I, but you might be interested in my own personal "Jimmie story", to add the stories listed here. I was first introduced to Jimmie, and this album in particular, in the mid-70s, living in a large "group house" in Palo Alto, CA when I was 21. It was a house favorite and "spun" many times during the year I lived there, but I never heard or even heard of Jimmie again, until this spring. While shopping at the legendary "Plan 9" music store in Richmond, VA, I found an old vinyl copy for $1. It was a "wait a minute, I KNOW this!" moment, and I have been enjoying it ever since. There is some "crackling fire" in the old grooves, but I consider myself extremely lucky to have it in any form. Curious about Jimmie, I discovered the above-referenced website, learned of his commercial "failure" as an artist through the early 80s, his fatal motorcycle accident in 1984, the current legal issues complicating the distribution of his music, and the dedication of his fan base. If he were alive today, it would certainly please him to see what has been written about him here and elsewhere. This is the kind of success every artist should wish for.