Format: Mp3
Bit Rate: 320 kbps
Produced By: Hank Medress & Dave Appell for Medress & Appell Productions Inc.
Engineered By: Wayne Tarnowski
Assistant Engineers: Dave Prentiss, Ted Spencer
Recorded At: Hit Factory, New York, New York
Cover Art: Charles Harbutt, Magnum Photos Inc.
Next To You
Stand By Me
Love Is My Belief
I Stayed Away Too Long
Where Are You Going
Too Blue To Be True
Mr. Saturday Night
Lord's Song
Jon Pousett-Dart - Vocals, Guitars
John Curtis - Vocals, Guitars
John Troy - Bass, Vocals
Michael Dawe - Drums, Percussion, Vocals
Keyboards - Stan Schwartz
Percussion - Hank Medress, Norman Pride
Strings - David Appell
Background Vocals - David Lasley, Arnoild McCuller
By Yours Truly
The following reviews, culled from amazon, while based on the Best Of CD released in 1994, still very much apply to this Lp and the other 3 as well. It's a pretty safe bet that if you listen to this one and like it that the other 3 will be welcome in your collection also....
Due for discovery, December 23, 2005
By Retro Guy (New York, NY) - (Amazon Customer Review)
I had one of Pousette Darts albums back in college, and it was a favorite. I uncovered the vinyl in a box in the basement recently and it was as great as I remembered. And now, it's on CD. If you like smart, sharp, tuneful acoustic music, don't miss Pousette-Dart. I am thrilled to have this great music on CD and vinyl!
At Last!, April 11, 2006
By Tom M (South of Canada) - (Amazon Customer Review)
By Tom M (South of Canada) - (Amazon Customer Review)
I am so glad to finally found the Best of Pousette-Dart CD! My records (LPs) are so wornout, that I can't hear the music over the noise of the scratches. This CD has what I would consider the 22 best Pousette-Dart Band songs. These are the original versions recorded by Jon and the band.... and they sound every bit as amazing as they did when they first were released. I was lucky enough to see the band a few times, the first time being at Keene State College (Keene NH). As good as the recordings are, Jon is simply grand to hear live! He still tours and I recommend seeing him. From start to finish, every song is a delight..... this is a CD every music lover should own
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